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Pawn shops and outdated reputations

By July 14, 2021No Comments

Pawn brokers are commonly portrayed on media as the epitome of shady business.

We know that these are stories are not always the truth, so why do so many people still believe that pawnbrokers are such dodgy businesses?

We’re going to take a look at the truth of pawn shops compared to the image that people seem to have about them.

You’re likely to think that the ordinary pawnshop customer is struggling to make ends meet. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, pawnshop customers come from all walks of life, including the wealthiest. Small business owners, for example, frequently consider pawnshops as a first option for growing their business. Mostly because pawn shops can approve loans that would otherwise be turned down by banks, allowing business owners to quickly expand.

Pawn shops, despite their reputation, would never try to sell something that wasn’t obtained legitimately.

Pawnshops follow extensive protocols to ensure that the ownership of the items they sell can be traced, and they only work with genuine sellers. Pawnshops, in reality, prevent criminal conduct by assisting authorities in their investigations when they suspect something has not come from a genuine source.

We work closely with the police at Buyback Loans to ensure that all our products are sourced and sold legitimately and from trustworthy sellers.

The general assumption about pawnshop owners is that they are simply interested in making as much money as possible for themselves.

In fact, pawn shops are actually more likely to give you a fairer price than any other buyer and also a safer way to sell your goods.

At Buyback Loans we take the time to inspect each of your products and we ensure that you get the greatest price when you sell your item. This means that pawn shops like ours can usually give you a more realistic price than if you sell your products elsewhere.